What’s New in Revit 2025

Revit expert Dan Stine provides a detailed overview of the new features in the just-released Revit 2025, including several toposolid enhancements for working with terrain models, improvements to work more easily with multiple materials, improved Project Browser search, a new Insights tab on the Home screen, more transparency and control over local storage, enhanced operating schedules and updated gbXML support for sustainable design, and many more.

URL: https://www.aecbytes.com/review/2024/Revit2025.html

One thought on “What’s New in Revit 2025

  1. A fairly light set of features for a new release! The topo fixes really were needed. This release feels more like Revit 2024.3 – which is fine, but doesn’t generate a lot of excitement for the release.

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